C/C++ Users Group Library 1996 July
C-C++ Users Group Library July 1996.iso
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190 lines
* Symbol Handling Routines for 68020 Assembler
* Function: create()
* Pass 1:
* If the symbol has not been created earlier creates a new symbol and
* clears the flags. If the symbol exists MULTDEF flag is set.
* Pass 2:
* If MULTDEF flag is set then MULTIPLE_DEFS error is issued,
* else if value passed is different from value stored then PHASE_ERROR
* is issued,
* else BACKREF flag is set so that all references to
* that symbol encountered before this point are known to be
* forward references, encountered after this point - backward
* references.
* In addition in all cases the routine returns a pointer to the
* structure (type symbolDef) which contains the symbol that was found
* or created. The routine uses a hash function to index into an array
* of pointers to ordered linked lists of symbol definitions.
* Note: no use is made of the ordering of the list, it could just as
* well be unordered.
* create() is called by modules 'assemble', 'directiv', and 'movem'
* Function: lookup()
* Searches the symbol table for the symbol whose name is specified.
* If the symbol exists the pointer to the symbolDef structure is
* returned,
* else UNDEFINED error is issued and NULL is returned.
* lookup() is called by modules directiv, eval, movem, and opparse;
* Usage: symbolDef *create(char *sym, long value, int *errorPtr)
* symbolDef *lookup(char *sym, int *errorPtr)
* Author: Paul McKee
* ECE492 North Carolina State University, 11/28/86
* Modified A.E. Romer. Version 1.0
* 17 March 1991. ANSI function definitions.
* 31 March 1991. Bug corrected. Multiple symbol definitions were not
* flagged as errors.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "asm.h"
/* HASHSIZE is the range of the hash function. hash()
returns values from 0 to HASHSIZE-1. */
#define HASHSIZE 27
static symbolDef *htable[HASHSIZE];
extern char pass2; /* Flag set during second pass */
void hashInit(void) /* initialize hash table */
int h;
for (h = 0; h < HASHSIZE; h++)
htable[h] = NULL;
int hash(char *symbol) /* evaluate hash No for given symbol */
int sum;
sum = 0;
while (*symbol)
sum += (isupper(*symbol)) ? (*symbol - 'A') : 26;
return (sum % HASHSIZE);
symbolDef *create(char *sym, long value, int *errorPtr)
int h, cmp;
symbolDef *s, *last, *t;
h = hash(sym);
if ((s = htable[h]) != NULL) /* at least one entry at this hash */
/* Search the linked list for a matching symbol */
last = NULL;
while (s && (cmp = strcmp(s->name, sym)) < 0)
/* find nearest lower symbol */
last = s;
s = s->next;
if (s && (cmp == 0)) /* match found */
if (!pass2) /* pass 1 */
s->flags |= MULTDEF; /* set flag */
else /* pass 2 */
if (value != s->value)
else if (s->flags & MULTDEF)
s->flags |= BACKREF;
t = s;
/* No match. Insert the symbol in the list, between lower and higher
* symbol (ordered list) */
else if (!pass2)
if (last) /* there are higher entries, the symbol
* goes after an existing symbol */
t = (symbolDef *) malloc(sizeof(symbolDef));
last->next = t;
t->next = s;
strcpy(t->name, sym);
t->value = value;
t->flags = 0;
else /* no higher entries, the symbol
* goes at the head of a list */
t= (symbolDef *) malloc(sizeof(symbolDef));
t->next = htable[h];
htable[h] = t;
strcpy(t->name, sym);
t->value = value;
t->flags = 0;
else /* No entry at this hash. Must be pass 1,
* in pass 2 the entry would be there */
t = (symbolDef *) malloc(sizeof(symbolDef));
htable[h] = t;
t->next = NULL;
strcpy(t->name, sym);
t->value = value;
t->flags = 0;
return t;
symbolDef *lookup(char *sym, int *errorPtr)
symbolDef *s;
int cmp;
if ((s = htable[hash(sym)]) == NULL) /* no entry at this hash */
return NULL;
/* There is an entry, search the linked list for a matching symbol */
while (s && (cmp = strcmp(s->name, sym)) < 0)
/* find nearest lower symbol */
s = s->next;
if (cmp == 0) /* match found */
return s;
else /* no match */
return NULL;